
Standing Meeting of Undoing Racism Facilitators (S.M.U.R.F.)


A group of Order Members and mitras involved in anti-racism work gather monthly via Zoom for mutual support, spiritual friendship, sharing of best practices and resources. We share what is working (and not working), and what might be relevant to our range of contexts. We reflect on our own personal growth and liberation through this work, with curiosity, compassion and courage.


SMURF is currently on haitus. We may regroup in late 202. Stay tuned by signing up to our newsletter.


This is a peer group for Order Members and mitras, of any and all racial identities, who are already engaged in facilitating some kind of anti-racism work in a Triratna context, local or otherwise, or aspiring to be. This might include :

  • Facilitators or aspiring facilitators of racial affinity groups (BIPOC, white awareness groups, etc)

  • Facilitators or aspiring facilitators of study groups or retreats on race / caste and the Dharma

  • Members of Triratna kulas / projects devoted to DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion), or projects trying to get off the ground

  • Council members and other community members leading initiatives related to inclusion and antiracism / anti-casteism

For the time being, as we find our footing and ways of working together, our focus is supporting those already taking responsibility in these areas. As we develop, we look forward to welcoming those looking to get started and seeking support. If you have an interest in joining us, get in touch!

The group is also open to the alumni of our two prior pilot groups from 2020 and 2021, as a means of on-going support and continuation.


This is a lightly facilitated space. We have rotating facilitation between members of the core AIR Team), opening to others as and when they feel ready to step in.

This is a co-created meeting where participants are invited to share responsibility for holding the space, what we discuss, and the decisions we make. We are working on our meeting structure, and will determine over time if a particular format is most supportive.

Bring your questions, successes, and requests for support in order to contribute to and benefit from the wisdom of the group.