(white) Awareness
is Revolutionary 3.0

Course Description + Application


Dear friends, our program is now fully subscribed for 2024, and we are at capacity in terms of the number of groups we are able to support. This means we are unable to match unaffiliated individual applicants to groups (as they have already started), nor can we accommodate new groups starting up.

We hope to start a new cycle in 2025. If this will be of interest to you, please sign up to our
newsletter so you can be notified.


Building on our successful pilot programs in 2020 and 2021, our core program is relaunching in 2024 in a new format. You might call it “DIY” (do it yourself) — with support!

Group-based (un)learning

Instead of inviting individuals to sign up to the course, we are inviting groups to go through this learning journey together. Groups can choose a time, rhythm and schedule that works for them. This also means that people all over world can join, regardless of our time zones. Some groups will meet in person, others on-line. Some groups will meet once a week, others once a month. Some will meet for an hour, others for a day. You decide! A multitude of formats are possible. We will offer tips and suggestions as to what has proven to work well — or not so well. The point is that your group will be free to find its own pace. Our commitment is to release a module every month and to support you along the way.

What support will groups have?

  • Lead Facilitator(s): We generally recommend that facilitation be shared on a rotational basis, and we give groups an outline for each session to make it easy. This said, each group will need to have one to two lead facilitators who have experience in this work, and are closely in touch with the core team.

  • Materials: Each of the 12 modules includes carefully curated materials to engage with before and during each session, along with a set of prompts for reflection and journalling. Materials usually take 1.5 to 2 hours to go through, sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on the module and personal or group inclinations.

  • Session format outline: Each module includes tools for those facilitating, including a session outline with timings, questions, exercises and other tips for a successful gathering.

  • Private discussion forum (optional): All group members will have access to a private moderated discussion forum right here on this website (not Facebook!!) where you can ask questions, find support and connect with people in other groups. This will also allow us all to have a wider sense of community, a place where we can be a “group of groups.” Your group can also select to have its own section on the discussion forum, if people want that. And of course, all this is entirely supplemental and optional.

  • Information session for anyone interested: You are warmly invited to a 90 min information session. Come ask questions and meet the team and people who have done the course! Sunday October 15th. This session has passed but if you are considering joining the course you can email us and the recording can be sent to you.

  • Facilitator and potential facilitator meeting (recorded) Facilitators new, returning and potential are all invited to join if possible a 90 min kick-off/orientation Sunday December 3rd. This meeting has now passed. If you are a facilitator in need of the recording, please get in touch.

  • Hybrid retreat (optional) September 6-13th 2024. This is a retreat for course participants only. It will be hybrid — people can come in person (location in the UK) or be on-line. More information will be published when available.

Ok, I want to do this! How does it work?

  • Find or create a group: Find a group you are already part of that wishes to go through the program, or create a group for the occasion. You can still apply if you are not in a group, and we can try our best to connect you with a group forming and willing to take on more participants. (More about groups below).

  • Meet the requirements: This is a program for white and white presenting mitras and Order Members in Triratna. If you are not a mitra or Order Members but a regular sangha member (“friend”), it still might be possible to join a group. Please inquire if you are keen. Groups must have 1-2 willing lead facilitators with experience, ideally known to us.

  • Solidify your time commitment: Agree on a time/place/cadence with your group, and ensure there is a strong level of commitment. There are 12 modules in the course. You don’t have to complete the course, but we recommend trying to, and meeting at least once a month over and agreed timeframe. Examples of schedules might include:

    • meeting once a month for 3-4 hours with time for meditation

    • meeting twice a month for 2 hours (or 90 min)

    • meeting once a week for 1 hour

    • etc….

  • Complete the application process. Each person needs to do this individually. After that, applications are rolling. You group may be able to start later, please inquire. Once you apply, you can expect to be in communication with our team.

  • After your application is reviewed, you will receive an invitation to finalize your registration on the site. You will be invited to join a private “member” section of this website where you will find all the materials you might need.

  • Note two key dates: the information session on Oct 15th and the facilitator meeting on Dec 3rd (see above). We plan to record both for those who cannot attend.

  • January 2024 - Ready to Go! Modules will be released once a month, generally on the first of the month. We recommend starting that month, at your set time. You will be notified by email that materials have become available. Depending on need, we may have an an optional kick-off session for all participants.

  • What about dana? This program is offered freely on the basis of generosity. We are funded through donations of time and money, as well by foundation grants. Our tiny team works hundreds of hours to make all this happen and does need material support. We also have costs related to the web-based platforms we use. You can offer dana (generosity) here.

Ready to dive in? If you are part of a group that is ready to apply, that’s great! And… we still need each individual participant to take a moment to complete an application. If you don’t have a group, we will make every effort to match you with one. We encourage you to try and form your own if you can.

More about Groups and Facilitators

Groups: new and pre-existing

We welcome both new and pre-existing groups. Groups of people already committed to one another (eg. a kula, a study group, a chapter, a council team, etc) might choose to take this on and go through the the program together. That’s great! Alternatively, you may wish to form a group and go through the program together. You might do this with folks local to you, or it might be a group of people in a range of locations who meet on-line. The only requirement is to have at least one, and ideally two co lead-facilitators. If you have a group but no lead facilitator, please register anyway and we will try our best to connect you with support for this.

Group size

We recommend a group size of about 5 to 8 people, including facilitator(s). If the group is on the smaller side (4 or 5 people), one facilitator is likely enough. A larger group of 8 to 10 people is better served by two people. Our experience is that a smaller group of 6 to 8 people able to meet consistently and regularly is generally most effective.

‘Lead Facilitators’ & facilitation

Groups must have one or two ‘lead facilitators’ who will act as convenors and liaisons with our lead trainers. Lead facilitators must have prior experience of white awareness work of this nature in order for a group to register. They are most often people familiar to the AIR core team, and who have been through some of our programs or who have done other white awareness work in other contexts. One of our principles is that we “move at the speed of trust.” Actual facilitation is generally rotational and shared in the group. Our experience shows that sharing this responsibility is very beneficial on many levels. This is part of the (un)learning process and it also helps avoid too much projection on facilitators!

Matching Lead Faciliatators, Groups and Individuals

  • If you are an individual who wants to do this program but does not have a group, do reach out to us.

  • If you have experience of white awareness work and are willing to convene a group, do get in touch.

  • And if you are a group committed to doing this, but you do not yet have a lead facilitator, let us know. We will do our best to match groups, individuals and facilitators…